Kaizen Solid State Relay for Sale
- The highest current capacity solid state relay on the market, intended for PWM use with inductive loads
- Over current and over temperature protection
- Rated to 40A
- Capable of high frequency switching at full capacity
- Built-in flyback diode
- Ideal for large radiator fans, fuel pumps, nitrous solenoids, heavy current light bars, trans brakes, line locks, electric water pumps and nearly anything else you need to power
- Allows additional relays to be connected and powered up instantly
- Weather resistant
- Installs without tools
- Patent Pending
- Optional CAN enabled Control Module offers advanced functionality
- Connects to the side of a Kaizen Relay without tools
- Allows the Kaizen Relay to be activated via CAN inputs OR analog inputs
- 3x Outputs
- 3x Analog Inputs
- Single CAN bus
- Programmable via micro USB
- Application specific programming
- Can also function as an analog to CAN converter
- Optional label set
We are a stocking distributor and Development Partner of the Kaizen Relay. With in-house development services we can offer application specific firmware for your project or integrated product line. Please contact us for more information.